Dive Boost (DB)

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Main article: Fancy Flying

The Dive Boost is the most basic form of fancy flying. It simply involves diving down to gain momentum, and then flying back up via that momentum.

How to Dive Boost[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: (the simplest boost)

Walk off a ledge, or jump if you don't have a ledge (e.g. if you start from a hill). Aim the camera down and move forward as much as you can. Before you hit the ground, either aim the camera upward, or move toward the camera (left stick completely down or 'S' button [PC] on default controls).

Tutorial Videos[edit | edit source]

This video explains the three basic boost methods, including the dive boost, which starts at 2:44. CAPTIONS REQUIRED (EN + JN + auto translate).

Common Mistakes[edit | edit source]

Problem: My camera always seems to raise a little bit when I’m close to the ground. Is that why I can’t boost properly?
Yes Getting too close to the ground will often cause the game to raise the camera, which may cause your boost to be negated. If you do get close to the ground, it's often better to dropshoot than to just pull up.

Further Tips[edit | edit source]

Flapping during the dive can help you gain extra height.

During the dive, a whistling-wind sound effect will play (in addition to any ambient wind). For some boosts, this can be used as an audio cue that you're diving enough.

Getting too close to the ground will often cause the game to raise the camera, which may cause your boost to be negated.

If your controller uses Sixense, make sure to keep it steady! Sixense means that moving the controller will adjust the camera, which can often ruin your boost, especially if you're new to boosting. Try to find a way to hold the controller that doesn't let it move around too easily.

Variations[edit | edit source]

Slow Boost (SB/SDB)
Reverse Dive Boost (RDB)
Level/Speed Boost
Infinite Boost (IB)
Flap Boost
Fish Boost
Goo Boost

See Also[edit | edit source]

Dropshoot (DS)
Charge Boost (CB)