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Challenge "Trophies"[edit | edit source]

Cyanis[edit | edit source]


Cyanis is my primary Journey OC. While I may use her to represent myself, she's also her own character.

Visually speaking, I wanted something slightly different from a standard Wayfarer - not excessively different. That said, she's a standard top-tier, except a cyan-blue-ish color, and with a custom symbol, which has a shape based off of the yin-yang symbol. She's also about half a hood shorter than the standard wayfarer. Also, she is a transcendent, as I like to call non-white "White Cloaks." XD

I'd like to roleplay her sometime in the future, and I'd like to hold off on describing her personality, background, and whatnot, until then.

I have modded my in-game cloak, before, to look like Cyanis on PC. I just wish we had a way figured out to customize the symbols. XD;